The Team
Below is a list of team members needed, along with roles and materials each member will need.
- Assemble the team
- Serve as a spiritual leader for the team
- Work with parish continuation committee to send invitations to all Christ Renews alumni
- Back up the Lay Director
- In the case that a team member is unable to perform his/her duties on the day of the retreat, CSD will serve as the emergency backup (i.e. Witness, Hospitality support, etc.)
CSD Materials:
Preparation Timeline
The Process/ All Links
Lay Director / Facilitator
- Keep team organized and run formation meeting
- Keep the retreat on schedule
- “MC” the retreat, introducing speakers and announcing activities
- Bring all materials for retreat day to retreat center (handouts / table tents for men/women/couple tables)
Lay Director / Facilitator Materials:
The Process/ All Links
Retreat Script
Witness: Interior Life
- Give Interior Life talk (25 minutes + song)
Interior Life Witness Materials:
Interior Life Witness Outline
Witness: Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy
- Give Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy talk (25 minutes + song)
Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy Witness Materials:
Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy Witness Outline
Hospitality Coordinator
- Coordinate with CSD as needed for RSVPs
- Transportation
- Order lunch food
- Pick up breakfast the morning of the retreat
- Call retreatants 1-2 weeks before to confirm / check in (see “Confirmation Call Script” below)
- Communicate room set up with retreat center
Hospitality Coordinator Materials:
Prayer Support
- Consists of any volunteers not discerned to a role above
- Assist Hospitality Coordinator with welcoming calls
- Lift team up in prayer throughout the mission process
- Greet retreatants morning of retreat
Prayer Support Materials:
For a printable version of the above, please click here.