Discussion Questions
First Reading
2 Samuel 5:1-3
1. Compare Jesus and David as shepherds, anointed ones, and kings. What is the difference between their kingships?
2. On the cross Jesus was publicly proclaimed King, in the three spoken languages of the area (Hebrew, Latin and Greek). Does this relate to God’s plan to bring all nations together in Jesus?
Second Reading
Colossians 1:12-20
1. “For him all the fullness was pleased to dwell.” What does fullness mean to you in this context? Do you see part of such a fullness in this or that neighbor? What part do you want to dwell in you? Think of all the places you find goodness. Are they sacred? What is the goodness and beauty in your life saying to you about God?
2. “He is the image of the invisible God. All things in heaven and earth were created in him, through him and for him.” How can we heal, in him, the wounds of the environment?
Luke 23:35-43
1. According to Pope Francis, from the beginning of his life to his last act, Jesus revealed himself as Mercy. What does that mean to you? What does his assurance to the good thief confirm?
The good thief finally addresses Jesus directly, invoking his help: “Jesus, remember me ... ” There is so much tenderness in this expression, so much humanity! It is the need of the human being not to be forsaken; that God may be always near.
On the Cross, [Jesus’] last act confirms the fulfillment of this plan of salvation. From beginning to end, he revealed himself as Mercy, he revealed himself as the definitive and unrepeatable incarnation of the Father’s love. Jesus is truly the face of the Father’s mercy. And the good thief called him by name: “Jesus.” It is a short invocation, and we can all make it several times during the day: “Jesus.” Simply, “Jesus.” Let us do so throughout the day.
General Audience of September 28, 2016
2. The good thief reached out to Jesus. How is he a model for us? Is anyone reaching out to you in any way, at work, at home, in your parish, in the local community, in the world community? How will you heal these wounds and/or warm these hearts?
Anne Osdieck
**From Saint Louis University