Discussion Questions
First Reading
1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21
F1. What was Elisha doing when he was called? Does God call other people in the bible in the same way? Does God call you to make changes in your everyday life?
F2. Were the people whom God called to be prophets highly educated or socially elite? Does God have prerequisites for prophets? What would your issues be if you were called as a prophet today?
Second Reading
Galatians 5:1, 13-18
S1. “For you were called for freedom.” What is the source of such freedom? Is “going out of yourself” a freeing experience? What about the act of loving your neighbor?
S2. St Paul says “if you are guided by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” Under the direction and guidance of the Spirit, could some Church laws change?
Luke 9:51-62
G1. The man said, “Lord, let me first go bury my father.” This would be a good thing, but is there reason for urgency in proclaiming the kingdom? Where do you see such a need today? Ecojustice? Immigration? Incarceration? Changing the gun laws?
G2. Why does Pope Francis say that Jesus was homeless or itinerant? Why does the Church need to be itinerant or in motion and “not sedentary within her enclosure”?
The first character promises him: “I will follow you wherever you go” (Lk 9:57). Generous! But Jesus replies that the Son of man, unlike foxes that have holes, and birds that have nests, “has nowhere to lay his head” (Lk 9:58). The absolute poverty of Jesus. Indeed, Jesus left his paternal home and gave up all security in order to proclaim the Kingdom of God to the lost sheep of his people. In this way Jesus pointed out to us, his disciples, that our mission in the world cannot be static, but is itinerant. The Christian is itinerant.
The Church by her very nature is in motion; she does not stay sedentary and calm within her enclosure. She is open to the broadest horizons, sent forth—the Church is sent forth—to bring the Gospel through the streets and to reach the human and existential peripheries.
Pope Francis, Angelus for 13 Ord C
June 30, 2019
Anne Osdieck
**From Saint Louis University