Working for the Word

Focusing the Gospel

Key words and phrases: What should we do?, filled with expectation, one ... is coming, good news

To the point: John’s clear and unequivocal answers to “What should we do?” gave direction to people’s lives. John’s good news, however, went beyond merely telling the people how to behave toward each other, but also instilled expectation in them. His good news pointed to the One who is all Good News, “a mighty savior” who is in our midst (First Reading), who is near (see Second Reading). The Good News is not a message but a person—Jesus.

Connecting the Gospel …

to the First Reading: The First and Second Readings both speak of rejoicing and suggest to us that the cause of our joy is Christ (“in your midst, a mighty savior”; “The Lord is near”). Christ is always being enfleshed in our midst.

to experience: All of us have experienced the sheer goodness of another person, the utter joy of an event, the complete surprise of intimacy. With reflection we conclude that we have indeed experienced the nearness of Christ in the flesh among us.

**From Saint Louis University

Kristin Clauson