Working with the Word

Focusing the Gospel

Key words and phrases: When you pray, say; Give us; give good gifts; give the Holy Spirit to those who ask

To the point: In this Gospel Jesus instills confidence in his disciples that they will receive from God that for which they pray. He teaches them (and us) to pray for daily needs: the food we need to live, the forgiveness we need to grow in our relationships, the protection we need to remain faithful. Because of what we have already received (our daily needs), we are certain that God will give even more to those who ask: the Holy Spirit, a share in the plenitude of God’s very Life. Such a Gift! Why would we not ask?

Connecting the Gospel …

... to the first reading: Abraham directly, confidently, persistently, and courageously petitions God to spare the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. In the Gospel Jesus teaches us to pray with the same directness, confidence, persistence, and courage.

... to experience: Nothing breeds confidence like success. This is also true when we turn to God in prayer. Although not always in the way we expect, God always answers our prayer.


**From Saint Louis University

Kristin Clauson