Working with the Word
Focusing the Gospel
Key words and phrases: take this cup from me, drops of blood, not my will but yours be done, healed him, do not weep for me, forgive them, you will be with me in Paradise
To the point: Luke’s Passion account highlights how much Jesus loved life. His struggle to say yes to his Father’s will (“take this cup away from me”) was so intense that he sweat blood. He also intensely loved others and their lives: he healed the man with the severed ear, comforted the women of Jerusalem, forgave his executioners, promised Paradise to the repentant thief. For the sake of others’ life he was willing to give over his own life (“not my will but yours be done”). Jesus’ struggle and self-giving is to be ours. While intensely loving the Life given us, we also are to give it over for others.
Connecting the Gospel …
... to the first reading: Isaiah’s prophecy finds its fulfillment in Jesus: it not only describes his suffering but also his concern for others, “speak[ing] to the weary a word” of comfort.
... to experience: When we hear the proclamation of the Passion, we are most mindful of all the suffering Jesus endured. Luke reminds us that the passion also proclaims Jesus’ ultimate self-giving ministry for others.
**From Saint Louis University