Discussion Questions
First Reading
Malachi 3: 1-4
F1. Pope Francis reminds us that being Christian ultimately means, not so much doing new things, but allowing ourselves to be re-newed by the Holy Spirit. Do you think that the “messenger of the covenant” promised by God in this reading would have been filled with the Holy Spirit? Discuss: Who was this promised messenger?
F2. Name some of God’s messengers today and in the recent past. Would you put the following in the “messengers” category: Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Pope John XXIII and Pope Francis? Who else? What about poets, writers, artists, theologians, musicians? Who speaks to you of God? Do you listen to/for the messages? Are you a messenger?
Second Reading
Hebrews 2: 14-18
S1. “Because he himself was tested through what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested.” Does this mean that Jesus understands every human pain and suffering that we experience? How do you feel about this? To whom do you turn when things aren’t going well?
S2. God is all knowing. God is love. Do you think God also wants to be known and loved? Is it easier to love God, who understands your needs, in the flesh, or God in the heavens?
Luke 2:22-40 or 2:22-32
G1. Simeon and Anna were not part of the formal temple personnel. How was it that they recognized Jesus as the “light for revelation to the Gentiles.” Were they listening to the Holy Spirit? In this instance how did it work for them?
G2. According to Pope Francis, what happens to us when we welcome “the God of newness and surprises” in the way Simeon and Anna did?
“Like Simeon, let us also pick up this child, the God of newness and surprises. By welcoming the Lord, the past opens up to the future, the old in us opens up to the new that he awakens. “It is not easy for the old man in us to welcome the child, the new one.
…“ The newness of God presents itself as a child and we, with all our habits, fears, misgivings, envies, worries, come face to face with this child. Will we embrace the child, welcome the child, make room for the child? Will this newness really enter our lives … ?”*
Brothers and sisters, these questions are for us, for each of us, for our communities and for the Church. Let us be restless, let us be moved by the Spirit, like Simeon and Anna. If, like them, we live in expectation, safeguarding our interior life and in conformity with the Gospel, if, like them, we live in expectation, we will embrace Jesus, who is the light and hope of life.
Pope Francis' homily for the Presentation,
Feb 3, 2024
Anne Osdieck
**From Saint Louis University