Working with the Word

Focusing the Gospel

Key words and phrases: Increase our faith, did what was commanded, So should it be with you

To the point: Jesus tells the disciples that even a smidgen of faith can achieve great things. How do we increase faith? Faith increases through decisive obedi- ence to what is commanded. How do we measure this kind of faith? We mea- sure our faith by measuring our faithfulness. The faithful disciple of Jesus is never finished serving. The faith of a disciple is never finished increasing.

Connecting the Gospel …

… to the first reading: The prophet Habakkuk shows us in the first reading where our never-finished, increasing faith leads: to life.

… to experience: We tend not to listen to those who challenge us to hear the truth about ourselves and how we should live. But we have also learned that when we take to heart the challenge to listen, we grow toward fullness of life.


**From Saint Louis University

Kristin Clauson