Working for the Word
Focusing the Gospel
Key words and phrases: cry out, many rebuked him, came to Jesus, I want to see, received his sight
To the point: Those traveling with Jesus look upon Bartimaeus as an interruption on the journey. Jesus, on the other hand, sees Bartimaeus as the point of the journey. Had some in the crowd succeeded in silencing Bartimaeus, they would have “silenced” a manifestation of why jesus came: to bring “sight” not only to Bartimaeus but to all.
Connecting the Gospel …
… to the First Reading: In Jeremiah’s prophecy the Lord's deliverance of the people is manifested in gathering “the blind and the lame”—indeed, all peoples—and consoling and guiding them. In the Gospel God's deliverance is manifested in Jesus giving sight to Bartimaeus and, indeed, to all the crowd.
… to experience: When we want something badly enough, we tend not to give up in the face of opposition. In spite of many in the crowd rebuking Bartimaeus, he continued to call out to Jesus for healing, and received what he wanted—and even more.
**From Saint Louis University