Discussion Questions

First Reading

Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11

F1. Why does Pope Francis say we can “experience” God when we do the things Isaiah suggests in the First Reading: “ … to bring glad tidings to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release the prisoners”? What can you yourself do for the poor, the millions of children who are hungry right now, the brokenhearted, the prisoners or captives?

Allow me to ask expressly of all of you who join me in the service of the Gospel for the Christmas gift of your generous and whole-hearted cooperation in proclaiming the Good News above all to the poor (Mt 11:5). Let us remember that they alone truly know God who welcome the poor, who come from below in their misery, yet as such are sent from on high. We cannot see God’s face, but we can experience it in his turning towards us whenever we show respect for our neighbor, for others who cry out to us in their need. For the poor, who are the center of the Gospel.

Pope Francis, Dec 21, 2020
Address to the Roman Curia

F2. Isaiah is the first to tell us “to bring glad tidings. … ” Jesus quotes Isaiah next (Luke 4:18-19) and Pope Francis repeats it again. How important is that message to you? Should the fact that we have “mistakes and infidelities” hinder us? How could those mistakes help us to help others? 

Second Reading

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24

S1. How can you ensure that the Spirit has opportunities to work in you? How can anyone “rejoice always” when they are suffering? Do you know people who seem to do that? Do you find that all things work together for you if you love God? If you realize such a thing, could that be “praying without ceasing”?

S2. Is there a relationship between the Holy Spirit working in the depths of your spirit and God’s peace that is applied to your body, soul and spirit?


John 1:6-8, 19-28

G1. In the First Reading the Lord sends Isaiah with a message, and in the Gospel God sends John to testify to the light of Christ. If you decide to “testify to the light” could that be “praying without ceasing”–– or by helping someone or looking for Christ in the poor all the time? Does God send you?
G2. The Gospel has John the Baptist saying to the questioners, “There is one among you whom you do not recognize … ” How about you? Do you recognize Christ in all the different faces and manners he comes to you each day?

Anne Osdieck


**From Saint Louis University

Kristin Clauson