Working for the Word
Focusing the Gospel
Key words and phrases: lifted up, believes, eternal life, God so loved, gave his only Son, darkness, light, evil, truth
To the point: Such depth of God's love this Gospel reveals: God gave the only; Son, allowed the only Son to be “lifted up” on a cross, and now remains patient with us while we struggle with choosing between darkness and light, evil and truth. Moreover, in the very midst of our ongoing struggle, it is God who brings us to greater belief and leads us to eternal life. Such is the depth of love God has for us!
Connecting the Gospel …
… to the First Reading: The Second Reading also reveals “the great love [God] had for us.” Further, while the second reading affirms that we are “saved through faith,” it also makes clear that this faith itself “is the gift of God. More love!”
… to experience: How devastating it is for a child to grow up without knowing love! We human beings need love to become whole. Without the experience of loving one another, how can we come to experience God's love for us?
**From Saint Louis University