Discussion Questions
First Reading
Acts 9:26-31
F1. What motivated Paul to speak out boldly? Think of examples of people who speak out to bring changes in social justice. Name some ways to “speak out” using your voice.
F2. What injustices cry out to you to speak out frankly, without fear, and to bear the courage of your convictions, just as the early apostles did?
Second Reading
1 John 3:18-24
S1. St. John says to “walk the walk, not just to talk the talk.” Where do you fit on a continuum between walkers and talkers?
S2. What would your world look like if every day, you performed a kind deed for some unsuspecting person? Who would benefit from these acts?
John 15:1-8
G1. And everyone that [bears fruit] he prunes so that it bears more fruit.” Have you ever felt like you were being “pruned?” Explain. At times do you have “dead wood” that needs to be pruned? Discuss.
G2. “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit.” According to Pope Francis, what is the fruit that we, the branches, need to bear, that might result from this mutual abiding?
… the branches can do nothing without the vine, they need sap to grow and to bear fruit. … But Jesus needs us too, like the vine with the branches. Perhaps to say this may seem bold to us, and so let us ask ourselves: in what sense does Jesus need us?
He needs our witness. The fruit that as branches we must bear, is the witness of our lives as Christians. After Jesus ascended to the Father, it is the task of the disciples—it is our task—to continue to proclaim the Gospel in words and in deeds. And the disciples—we, Jesus’ disciples—do so by bearing witness to his love: the fruit to be borne is love. Attached to Christ, we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and thus we can do good to our neighbor, we can do good to society, to the Church. The tree is known by its fruit. A truly Christian life bears witness to Christ.
Regina Caeli for 5th Sunday of Easter
Pope Francis, May 2, 2021
Anne Osdieck
**From Saint Louis University