Working for the Word

Focusing the Gospel

Key words and phraseslowly servant, great things, lifted up, promise of mercy

To the point: This solemnity celebrates the “great things” God has done for Mary. God, who has “lifted up” his “lowly servant” Mary, lifts up all the lowly not because they are faithful but because God is faithful to the promise of divine mercy.

Mary’s assumption of body and soul into heaven celebrates the mercy of God and the promise to us of a share in that same mercy.

Connecting the Gospel …

… to the First Reading: The Second Reading rehearses they entire history of God’s promise of mercy: death came through Adam; life came through Christ.

Mary’s assumption foreshadows the destiny of “all who belong to Christ.”

… to experience: In our news-dominated culture we tend to view events historically. From this viewpoint the solemnity of the assumption celebrates what happened to Mary in the past. Liturgy does more than recall a past event, however; it draws us into divine mystery where that event is present now.

**From Saint Louis University

Kristin Clauson