Discussion Questions
First Reading
Ezekiel 33:7-9
F1. Does God still send watchmen or women or prophets to address injustice in the world today? Who are they? Are they always successful and do they live long, happy lives?
F2. Do we have a shared responsibility for others and the world? Are you a “watchperson” in some way? What strikes you as unjust as you watch? Can you think of new ways of bringing justice and divine love into the lives of people in your world, your city, your workplace?
Second Reading
Romans 13:8-10
S1. Which ranks highest: how much you do? How smart or powerful you are? How much you love? According to Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritain (Luke 10: 29-37), who is your neighbor?
S2. Why does Pope Francis say that the commandments “should not be locked up in the airless vaults of formal observance”? Why is love the fulfillment of the law? Does it have anything to do with God’s divine abundance?
God does not reason with calculations and tables; he loves us as one who is enamored: not to the minimum, but to the maximum! He does not say, “I love you up to a certain point.” … This is the love that gives fulfilment to the Law, to faith, to true life!
… Am I content merely with not doing harm, keeping the “façade” in good order, or do I try to grow in love for God and others? And every now and then, do I check myself on Jesus’ great commandment: do I ask myself if I love my neighbor as he loves me?
Faith is a love story with God
Pope Francis Angelus, Feb 12, 2023
Matthew 18:15-20
G1. Do you always remember that “if two of you agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be granted to them”?
G2. Can you rely on God’s granting your request in some way when you and another person agree to pray about something? Do you trust that promise?
Anne Osdieck
**From Saint Louis University