The Perspective of Justice
One in Christ
“God is the strength of his people,” the guide and protector of your people, the one who keeps us secure from this world’s uncertainty (Ps 28:8). We should not be afraid of anything because “the Lord is with me, like a mighty champion” (Jer 20:11).
The poor and lowly are special objects of protection.“See, you lowly ones, and be glad … for the Lord hears the poor, for he has rescued the life of the poor” (Responsorial Psalm). The special care of the poor is a sign to all of us that God is our strength, for it means that God is not influenced by the judgments of the world.
The world might abuse and ignore the poor and lowly, but God hears their cry and rescues their lives. The riches of this world might be for a select few, the rich and powerful, but the gracious gift of Jesus Christ abounds for all.
So do not let men intimidate you. Our God is God of the poor and lowly, and in him, we his children live in safety.
In the Old Testament God reveals himself to us as the liberator of the oppressed and the defender of the poor, demanding from man faith in him and justice towards man’s neighbor. It is only in the observance of the duties of justice that God is truly recognized as the liberator of the oppressed.
Synod of Bishops, Justice in the World, 1971:30.
Gerald Darring
**From Saint Louis University