Working with the Word

Focusing the Gospel

Key words and phrases: the bridegroom was long delayed, the bridegroom came, those who were ready went into the wedding feast

To the point: In this gospel parable the five wise virgins can well afford to sleep, for they are prepared with plenty of oil.

The five foolish virgins also sleep during the long delay, but they should have been busy procuring the oil they need to greet the bridegroom and enter the feast.

Jesus is warning us in this parable that the here-and-now is an important readying for his second coming, and we cannot afford to sleep it away!

Connecting the Gospel …

… to the First Reading: The First Reading reveals that wisdom is a virtue given to all those who seek her, Even before our desire and our watching for wisdom, she comes to us.

In the Gospel, the Bridegroom’s coming is assured even before we desire or watch for the Bridegroom.

… to experience: We rarely, if ever, view our daily Christian living in light of the final coming of Christ. But his final coming is, in fact, the promise that gives ultimate meaning to our daily behavior and our ongoing hope.


**From Saint Louis University

Kristin Clauson