Discussion Questions
First Reading
Malachi 1:14b-2:2b, 8-10
F1. The officials in this reading were responsible for an erosion of faith among the people. In general what do you think are some contemporary issues that erode people’s faith? In particular what erodes your own faith? What increases it?
F2.In this reading from Malachi, the priests are showing partiality and not preaching with fidelity and good example. What serious responsibilities do privileged positions within a community bring with them?
Second Reading
1 Thessalonians 2:7b-9, 13
S1. What makes Paul such an effective minister, according to this reading? Explain. In whose message are you going to be more interested one given by someone who cares about you, or one given by someone who doesn’t know your name?
S2. Think of people you know about whom you can say, “I see God at work in that person.” What is it that you “see” in them? How is the word of God at work in you?
Matthew 23:1-12
G1. As in Luke 22:26-27, Jesus says, “let the greatest among you become as the youngest and the leader as one who serves.” Jesus instituted an office of service. “Wide belts,” places of honor and titles helped the scribes and Pharisees increase their social status but were those things a help for serving others better? What helps you serve?
G2. In his homily at the ordination of bishops, Pope Francis tells them that they have been chosen for a life of service. How does that relate to those in the gospel who “love places of honor and tie up heavy burdens hard to carry and lay them on people’s shoulders”?
Welcoming the new Bishops, Guido Marini and Andrés Gabriel Ferrada Moreira with “joy and gratitude,” Pope Francis told them that they had been chosen for a life of service.
Offering his advice, the Pope told them to “proclaim the Word at every opportunity,” continue to study and be close to their flock.
“You will be the custodians of faith, of service, of charity in the Church” and for this reason, he added, you want to be close to God, mirroring his “compassion and tenderness.”
The first task of a bishop is to be “close to God in prayer.” The pope urges them not to pray “like a parrot,” but to “pray with the heart.”
A Bishop is called to life of service
Ordination of Bishops, Oct 17, 2021
Anne Osdieck
**From Saint Louis University