Spirituality of the Readings

A Wake Up Call

Why do we have Advent?

You say, “I don’t know, it always just comes along,” or, “I don’t know, no one ever told me.” I have heard these answers and others a number of times. Especially this question: if Christ has already been born, what is this Advent waiting about? Are we supposed to have forgotten about his birth?

Strangely that is part of the answer.

Our hearts get drowsy and lazy, tired out by the anxieties of daily life. Maybe we distract ourselves from our troubles by working very hard, or by becoming depressed, or becoming fascinated with drink, or sex, or out-of-control emotions, or gambling, or email, or golf, or surfing the web, or pride, or, or, or (you name yours). Whatever it is for you, the very clear message of Advent is, “Settle down for a while.” Open the door just a crack and let God in.

To help, the Church has a liturgical strategy. Each week’s first two readings of the Advent Sundays give the carrot: usually positive, a promise of good. Then the Gospel hits you with a big stick to wake you up.

Take the encouraging First Reading this Sunday. It reminds us of the promise God has made to his people: rightness and justice. Security. The day of the Lord will arrive, though long delayed. Peace in our day.

What a lovely thing it is to desire such a time. Too good to be true? Just pious thought? Read the First Reading now and ask yourself those questions. Spend time with them. Pray to God for help. The Responsorial Psalm will help you. It asks God to make known his ways to us, to guide us and teach us.

The Second Reading urges us to put God’s promise of peace into action, even if we are not yet sure what it means. Love others and be loved.

But then comes the Gospel. It tries to wake us up, especially if the above has not helped. “But I am perfectly awake,” you say. Alright then, go ahead and read the Gospel. It is the “stick.”

Signs in the sun, moon and stars, nations in dismay, the roaring of the sea and the waves, people dying of fright, and the Son of Man appearing in the clouds with power and great glory.


Let yourself imagine what it might be like. Picture it scene by scene and don’t worry about being exact. Just experience it.

Will such a shakeup really happen? Maybe much worse is to come, judging from the state of the world today. Do you live without fear of terrorist acts, of proliferating nuclear weapons, of a horrific climate change, of a crash of the entire world economy, or the greed that fills so many hearts to overflowing in your city, in your state, your world?

If you can say “You are right, I am afraid of these,” then go back to the Responsorial Psalm. Beg that Christ be given birth in your soul and in so many others in this world that need it so badly.

Welcome to Advent.

John Foley, SJ


**From Saint Louis University

Kristin Clauson