Discussion Questions

First Reading

Acts 6:1-7

1. As the early church grew, problems arose and were addressed. For instance, the Hellenists neglected widows. Do you see areas of negligence today for which the Church might help to find solutions? School shootings and gun violence? Ecojustice? Homelessness? Immigration? Racial inequality?

2. “The Hellenists complained. … So the Twelve called together the community of disciples. … ” What is a “Synod”? Will Synodality involve the “community” in making needed changes?

Second Reading

Peter 2:4-9

1. St Peter says that we are “a chosen race a royal priesthood and holy nation, a people of his own.” Do you “announce the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light”? Regularly? Sometimes? With words? With works?

2. How do you “announce the praises of him who called you out of darkness” to the hungry on your streets? When there is eco-injustice in parts of your city? When there is racism in your office?


John 14:1-12

1. The disciples didn’t know where Jesus was going and certainly did not want him to leave. Can you relate to this desire to be with the people you love? How is human love either a reflection of divine love or else actually a participation in it?

2. “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” What did Jesus tell his disciples (and us) in this reading to ensure that our hearts are not troubled, according to Pope Francis?

Jesus is risen and lives precisely to be always by our side. We can thus say to him, “Jesus, I believe that you rose again and are beside me. I believe that you listen to me. I bring to you what upsets me, my troubles. …

… “My Father’s house has many rooms … I am going there to prepare a place for you.” … he reserved a place in Heaven for us. He took our humanity upon himself to carry it beyond death, to a new place, to Heaven, so that we might also be where he is.

… God is in love with us; we are his children. … We are in transit here. We are made for Heaven, for eternal life, to live forever. …

But how can we reach heaven? … He says to us today: “I am the Way” … to have a living relationship with him, to imitate him in love, to follow in his footsteps … of service to others.

Pope Francis
Angelus, 5th Sunday of Easter
May 10, 2020

Anne Osdieck

**From Saint Louis University

Kristin Clauson