Spirituality of the Readings

Three Temptations

In the first Lenten Gospel reading, the devil tempts Jesus, wanting him to trade his oneness with God for selfish attention to created things. 

First, food. Jesus has been fasting in a major way. Satan says,

Don’t worry about it! You are rich! You are equal to God! You can have whatever food you want. For example, turn this rock into bread!

Jesus overlooks the flattery. “God’s words are food enough for me,” he says.

Second, if food is not attractive enough, what about honor?

You can be the great one who rules everything in sight. Think about how good that would feel. I control plenty of governments in this world, and I can distribute them wherever I want. Side with me! Pledge yourself! OK, technically you would be worshipping me, but if you understand things correctly, you are just taking care of “number one.” Try it!

Jesus’ quiet words in reply: “I pledge myself to the Lord my God, not to you. Such ‘honors’ would tear me apart.”

Third, the devil switches to pride.

You are God and that means power! You will have no problem with physical dangers. Heaven must do whatever you command. Jump off this temple roof and prove your identity to everyone. Scriptures say that angels will rush down from heaven to catch you. Everyone will admire you. Come on, show us what you’ve got!

Three temptations and three humble answers. 

Jesus: “Yes I am close to heaven and to God. But hear this. I choose to let God’s gentle, quiet love be my life, not pride.”

Three temptations and three humble answers. Jesus is listening to his Abba’s words as opposed to the babble of possessions, honor, and pride. He would not desert the great love of his life. The devil had to settle for a triple failure, at least for the time being. He resolved to try again later.

Don’t you and I have temptations too? Check them out this Lent. What about possessions? Cars, books, clothes, appearance, and so on. You know the kind of list we could each make. And eating too much. Buying too much. Holding our tongue when fairness demands that we speak out. Speaking out when we should be quiet. OK, these are human foibles but they are also traps. “Look away from God,” they say. “He is outmoded anyway. Be interested in yourself. Watch out for yourself, since no one else will.”

And honors? Do you ever try to please other people so they will have a good opinion of you (“human respect”)? Or, what would happen if your son or daughter were thrown off the team at school? Rage? And so on.

We Americans sit at our desks working hard, worrying about meetings and deadlines, wondering if we can live up to our own expectations and those of others. We say we have essential work to do. We are important. Everyone needs us.

Often we give in to these temptations.

What about you, dear reader? Could this Lent be a good time to unscramble your values? Since God is the most wonderful and loving being anywhere, do you really want to block him out with lesser, undependable attachments that boil down to riches, honors, and pride?

If we are trying to be like Jesus this Lent, let us re-balance our priorities. Here is the way Jesus recommended doing it: 

Love the Lord your God above all things and love your neighbor as yourself.

John Foley, SJ

**From Saint Louis University

Abby Upah